New eScooter Legislation in Queensland. What does this mean for you?

New eScooter Legislation in Queensland. What does this mean for you?

Amanda Botton |

Queensland Government is looking to reform its electric scooter laws to make riding safer for both electric riders, cyclists and pedestrians. 

In recent times a high number of pedestrians reported they feel unsafe on the road due to hazards and dangerous riders. Especially people with disability have felt this concern after experiencing riders passing them at high speed with no care. 

These new Queensland e-scooter laws will be put in place to make everyone feel safe on the pathway and so that e-riders take more care of soft pedestrians (walkers). 

You are probably wondering what this means for you as a motorised scooter rider. We have therefore gathered everything you need to know about these new laws and how you can continue to enjoy riding while also making sure others feel safe.

Queensland escooters law

What laws have changed?

At the moment, electric scooters have a speed cap of 25km/h meaning you can only reach a top speed of 25/km which is currently the speed limit. These limits will only be allowed to reach on bike paths and suburban roads. Electric scooters will only be allowed to travel at 12 kilometres per hour when on shared footpaths.

If found to not abide by this new legislation you will find yourself with a whooping $191 fine.  

You will also find yourself with a nasty fine of $1,078 if you are using your mobile phone while riding. Bells will also become mandated for all personal mobility devices with handlebars to limit close calls on busy paths. 

Previously, QLD road rules electric scooters were classified as pedestrians, which means they can ride everywhere pedestrians can. However, authorities are wanting to change this and make clearer rules to help ensure eScooter riders, pedestrians, cyclists and motorists can safely share the road. 

The new laws include lowering the speed limit on footpaths, providing safe riding education campaigns to inform of correct practices and how to behave on the road; like how to ride safely, how to correctly wear a helmet, how to park so as not to block to the road for others and how to safely overtake other pathway users. There will also be implemented clear signs and safety measures. 

According to the Australian Government, electric two-wheel devices should be used on paths whenever possible. Riding on roads is limited and only permitted in specific situations. For example, you can ride your electric scooter on the road if you need to cross a road or avoid an obstruction on a path for up to 50 metres.

You can also ride on local streets, where it is safe to do so. A local street is a road with a speed limit of 50km/h or less. It must have no median strip or dividing line.

You must not ride on main roads or streets with a speed limit of over 50km/h.

The Minister of Transport and Roads, Mark Bailey, says

“The rising popularity of e-scooters is a clear sign they aren’t going to disappear. We know that people are going to keep using them so the key is making sure that shared spaces like footpaths and bike lanes are as safe as they can be.”

There will be penalties in place for people that ride above the speed limit, ride when intoxicated or ride hazardous and being a danger to others.

The Queensland Police Minister, Mark Ryan, says:

“We know many people do the right thing and our officers do a great job at policing dangerous behaviour already. But with new rules and regulations, we will be better equipped to keep the public safe.”

He also stated that the Queensland Police Service will be part of a new Personal Mobility Device Safety Reference Group.

With these new laws, also come other opportunities. In order to not create traffic congestion, the government is allowing electric scooters to ride on segregated bikeways, like the Veloway - which is a popular cycling road between South Brisbane and Eight Mile Plans - and Gateway Arterial North and Ipswich Motorway. On these cycling roads, the standard speed limit for e-riders applies which is 25km/h. 

How do e-scooter riders look after pedestrians? 

It is important that you ride with mindfulness and concern for others on the road. This means when passing other pedestrians and e-riders, take care to keep your distance and slow down your speed. We also recommend ringing your bell before passing to alert the person ahead that you are passing them and want the room to pass. 

When cruising along always keep left and give way to others wanting to pass. Especially important to keep left on the bike paths for oncoming bicycles and other personal mobility devices.

Some eScooters now come with turning signals to make it safer for you when turning as well as help inform others when you are changing directions or lanes. 

Otherwise, simply adhere to the already set regulations:

  • Have to be 16 and above to be able to ride. If your child is above 12 years old they can ride with adult supervision.
  • Don’t drink and drive.
  • Always wear a helmet!
  • Don’t ride and text. Mobile phones are not allowed when riding. 
  • You are not allowed to carry passengers.
  • Be visible when riding during the night. Wear a reflector, and carry a front light and rear light.

If you are riding a hired eScooter, riders must follow additional rules and conditions set by the eScooter rental company.

Where and how to park?

The government is talking about implementing new scooter rules QLD when it comes to parking. The problem Queenslanders have been facing is that people leave their hired eScooter all over the place, blocking roads/pathways so that disabled and other pedestrians have a hard time navigating and passing these paths. 

Some pedestrians with disability have reported that they are forced to ask others to help clear away motorised scooters from the pathway in order to pass. 

The solution is not decided by the government yet. But there has been talking about offering designated parking areas for riders. With this new law, the aim is to decrease road and pathway blockades, making it easier for everyone to travel.

Why are these rules being implemented now?

The popularity and number of people that own a personal e-scooter have increased substantially since the transportation device was introduced to Queensland in 2018. Now that so many people are riding these fun rides it is important to establish some road rules in order to decrease the chances of injuries and accidents and make sure the pathway is safe and enjoyable to use for everyone. 

These new electric scooter laws in Queensland are not here to take away from the fun, it is here to take care of you and everyone around you! 

Remember to ALWAYS wear a bike helmet when riding! Here are a couple of our favourite cruiser scooter helmets: 

For the more adventurous off-road scooter riders we suggest these full-face helmets:

If you are deciding on the best electric scooter for you, check out our 2022 Electric Scooter For Adults Australia Buying Guide

Otherwise, check out our wide collection of electric motor scooters here

Some best selling eScooters are: 

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